Moving and Maintaining Your Security: Tips for London, Ontario Homeowners

Moving and Maintaining Your Security: Tips for London, Ontario Homeowners

Moving to a new home in London, Ontario is an exciting time! But along with the excitement comes the responsibility of keeping your home and belongings safe. Here are some tips to help you move in with peace of mind, knowing your new home is secure.

Securing Your New Home

When you first moving company London Ontario in, it’s important to take some steps to secure your new home. Here’s a checklist to get you started:

  • Doors and Windows:

    • Do a thorough inspection of all the locks on your doors and windows. Consider re-keying the locks for added security. This will ensure that no one has a copy of the old keys.
    • Check all the window latches to make sure they are functioning properly. You may also want to consider adding security film to your windows. This will make them more difficult to break and can deter potential burglars.
  • Garage Security:

    • Don’t forget about your garage! Make sure your garage door opener is secure. You may want to consider upgrading to a smart lock or installing motion-sensor lighting in your garage.

Creating a Secure Environment

In addition to securing the physical access points of your home, you can also create a more secure environment by following these tips:

  • Exterior Lighting:

    • Install bright motion-sensor lights around your entry points and backyard. This will deter potential intruders and make it more difficult for them to move around your property unseen.
  • Landscaping:

    • Trim any bushes or trees that are close to windows or doors. This will eliminate hiding spots for potential burglars.
    • Consider planting prickly bushes or shrubs around the perimeter of your property. This will create a natural barrier that can deter intruders.
  • Neighborhood Watch:

    • Getting to know your neighbors is a great way to improve security in your neighborhood. Consider participating in a neighborhood watch program. This will give you and your neighbors a chance to look out for each other’s homes.

Smart Home Security Solutions

Technology can also play a role in keeping your home safe. Consider installing a smart home security system. These systems can include features like:

  • Door and window sensors that will alert you if someone tries to break in.
  • Remotely monitored cameras that allow you to keep an eye on your home even when you’re away.
  • Smart locks that can be controlled from your smartphone.

Additional Security Measures

Here are some other security measures that you can take to protect your home:

  • Security Alarms:

    • Consider installing a professionally monitored security alarm system. This can be a great deterrent to burglars and can also help you get a discount on your homeowner’s insurance.
  • Engrave Valuables:

    • Engrave your valuables with a unique identification code. This will make them less attractive to thieves and increase the chances of them being recovered if they are stolen.

London-Specific Resources

The London Police Service offers a number of resources for new homeowners, including crime prevention workshops and online safety guides. You can find more information on their website: London Police Service:

Final Thoughts

By taking some proactive steps to secure your home, you can help to ensure that your new place in London, Ontario is a safe and comfortable haven for you and your family.

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